Colombia Solidarity Campaign

- Fighting for Peace with Justice -


Videos, audio recordings, press coverage

Open Letter from Violeta Arango Ramirez



(Hello friends, I am sending you a letter by one of the girls who has been imprisoned in the case of the bombing in the Andino Shopping Centre, Bogota. It explains well the whole case and the absurd show surrounding her and her peers.)

My name is Violeta Arango Ramirez, I am a sociologist, graduate of the National University of Colombia. On Saturday 24th June my life changed dramatically with a warrant for my arrest and a raid. Agents from the police intelligence department (SIJIN) and the police arrived at my house in the Chapinero district. Without understanding what had happened, in the anxiety and stress of the moment, my parents asked what was it about: I was wanted in relation to the terrible attack on the Andino shopping mall, accused of terrorism, homicide, conspiracy to commit a crime.


Colombia Solidarity Campaign Launches Report "LA COLOSA: A Death Foretold"


Alternative Report on the controversial gold mining project in Colombia
Press Release // London // 8 December 2013

Si a la Vida

Demonstration in  Ibagué - Tolima. June 2013. The sign reads: "Yes to Life, No to the Mine". Photo credit: Viviana Sánchez.

London-based human rights organisation Colombia Solidarity Campaign has published an Alternative Report about La Colosa, the AngloGold Ashanti gold mining project in Colombia’s municipality of Cajamarca (Tolima), entitled La Colosa: A Death Foretold.

The report unveils, for the first time, findings which clearly show that if the production phase of the La Colosa gold mine goes ahead, its implications to local communities would be much graver than previously anticipated. Community leaders and human rights defenders are already paying the highest price - their lives - for their opposition to the large-scale corporate mining project.

This report is a result of extensive research that included more than 100 interviews on the ground, legal document analysis, and technical assessment by Dr. Mark Muller, a highly respected international expert on mining.

AngloGold Ashanti is a company listed on the London Stock Exchange.

Download this file (LA COLOSA_A Death Foretold.pdf)LA Colosa: A Death Foretold[Alternative Report about the AngloGold Ashanti Gold Mining Project in Cajamarca, Tolima, Colombia]7718 Kb
Access this URL ( COLOSA: Una Muerte Anunciada[Informe alternativo acerca del proyecto LA COLOSA de AngloGold Ashanti en Cajamarca, Tolima]5445 Kb

Colombia Solidarity Campaign Lanza Informe "LA COLOSA: Una Muerte Anunciada"


Comunicado de Prensa. 26 11 2013

Si a la Vida

Marcha Carnaval en Ibagué - Tolima. Junio 2013. Fotógrafa: Viviana Sánchez

Colombia Solidarity Campaign (Campaña de Solidaridad por Colombia), organización de derechos humanos basada en Londres, ha publicado un Informe Alternativo acerca del proyecto de Minería de Oro de AngloGold Ashanti en Cajamarca, Tolima, intitulado La Colosa: Una Muerte Anunciada.  Este informe es resultado de una investigación que abarca 108 entrevistas, análisis de documentos, y asesoría técnica del Dr. Mark Muller, reconocido experto internacional en minería.

El reporte desvela hechos que no han sido revelados antes por investigadores o medios que han trabajado en el tema. Demuestra además, que los impactos de una eventual fase de explotación minera serían mucho mayores a los anunciados e imaginados por los tolimenses y por la nación misma.

Download this file (LA COLOSA_Una Muerte Anunciada.pdf)LA COLOSA_Una Muerte Anunciada[Informe alternativo acerca del proyecto LA COLOSA de AngloGold Ashanti en Cajamarca, Tolima]5445 Kb

Corto documental de la visita del presidente juan manuel santos a londres



Climate Camp Radio, Wed 06 Aug 2008 Daytime - Latin America segment


Climate Camp Radio interviews Andy from Colombia Solidarity Campaign and Fidel from Movimiento Ecuador UK as part of the Latin America day at the Camp for Climate Action in 2008.

Audio is clipped at the beginning, the interviewer asks - Why are you here at the Climate Camp? 



Download MP3

Recording by Climate Camp Radio


Latin American Revolution under Threat


Public meeting with Latin American campaign groups following the violation of Ecuadorian sovereignty by the Colombian Uribe government in March 2008

Colombian segment:

Andy Higginbottom (from Colombia Solidarity Campaign) and Juan, London 15 March 2008


Download MP3

Recording by Nadim Mahjoub



Media Talk: Is This the End for FARC?


Will the release of Ingrid Bettancourt - arguably the world's most famous hostage, and FARC's main bargaining chip - along with 14 other hostages - mean the end of FARC and the beginning of serious peace negotiations with the Colombian government?

10th July 2008

The talk is viewable online here:

View in Ustream website


Guardian Comment is Free: It is not only Ch?vez who has links to guerrillas


Uribe's dealings with rightwing paramilitaries remains an untold story, says Andy Higginbottom





London Mining Network


The London Mining Network (LMN) is an alliance of human rights, development and environmental groups. We pledge to expose the role of companies, funders and government in the promotion of unacceptable mining projects.

Plan Colombia - Cashing In on the Drug War Failure

Watch online - Plan Colombia

A 20-year "war on drugs" in Colombia has been paid for by the U.S. taxpayers. Still more and more drugs and narco-dollars are entering the U.S. every year. Is it a mere failure by Washington? Or is it a smokescreen to secure Colombia's oil & natural resources?

Until the final stone (Hasta la ?ltima piedra)

Watch online - Until the final stone
The documentary tells the history of a community of peasant farmers in Colombia, accosted by the bullets of the armed groups, who resist categorically, the pressure of violence.

The Red Dance (El Baile Rojo)

Watch online - The Red Dance (El Baile Rojo)
A documentary about a political party in Colombia called the Patriotic Union (la Union Patriotica). About 4000 of its members where killed in a genocide managed by politicians, paramilitaries and militaries in a plan cynically called "the red dance".


Watch online Lucha!
Lucha is a documentary about the students and the struggle for human rights in Colombia. Through the eyes of 5 students, the film explores what it means to be a refugee in one’s own country.

Mark Thomas on Coca Cola

Watch online Dispatches: Mark Thomas on Coca Cola

Political activist, comedian and journalist Mark Thomas travels to South America, India and the US to investigate the way in which the drink's suppliers operate, and uncovers evidence which could tarnish the reputation of the successful brand.

Territorio pacificado

Watch online - Territorio pacificado
A film about the peace community San José de Apartadó

Empire in the Andes- the War Against the Poor

Watch online - Empire in the Andes
The documentary takes a critical look at the strategies and effects of US foreign and economic policy in Latin America, especially in Colombia and Ecuador.